Saturday, September 11, 2010

Drawing vs. Photography

I made these drawings of my niece and nephew. Drawing and painting seem to exist to mock photography. Photography exists to mock painting and provide physical surface details regarding a subject that the human hand cannot mimic. Maybe the human mind can provide insight into a subject through painting and drawing that surface detail recorded by the camera cannot illustrate. If I draw something to copy a photograph am I providing any new insight into the true nature of the subject?


  1. Yes absolutely you are!! It's like looking at the subject through someone's else's eyes and interpretation, and it's very very moving. Damn Jack, these are good!

  2. Couldn't agree more, Kylie. It's all about interpretation. What you and see and feel from a photograph will be transferred to your drawing. And "damn" is right! I have seen some of your abstract paintings, but these drawings are exceptional.
