Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Analog Dreamscapes

     Imagine you are on your way to work in the city. You have made this journey many times before with minimal complications but this day is different. Something is always in the way, perhaps a fence too high to climb or a river too deep to cross. Time is running short; your anxiety increases.

     When information first enters our thoughts, sensory memory takes a snapshot of our environment but stores it only briefly. Analog Dreamscapes is a series of images that realizes how we unconsciously process information as images while we go about our daily lives. These images can sometimes reoccur in our unconsciousness, no longer vivid and clear but faded and impressionistic and almost totally lacking in color and detail.

     Most of what we dream about is so ordinary that after we awake we remember only pieces of vague images and perhaps the overall theme of the dream or feelings it evoked. In time, these experiences fade away only to make room for new ones.

     The images portrayed in Analog Dreamscapes are ordinary in content and displayed in the form of a contact sheet. This addresses the deliberate but random sequence of events as they occur in a dream disturbed by the unconscious anxiety and the fears we face in our everyday lives but experience more intensely in our dreams. 

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